21.1.3. Scarfolk Council

Not about China specifically, but broadly anti-dictatorship, and so much of it applies perfectly!!! With that typical British humour touch of course.

We have to translate the following into Chinese and add to the relevant sections:

Scarfolk lose face
Figure 220. "Lose face" spoof poster by Scarfolk Council (2020). "Lose Face" reminds one of the popular Chinese expression "miànzi 面子" translated at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face_(sociological_concept)#Chinese as "face; side; reputation; self-respect; prestige, honor; social standing" and the corresponding "to lose face": (丢脸, 丢面子 https://baike.baidu.com/item/丢面子 on Baidu Baike (百度百科, Chinese censored Wikipedia clone)). Source.