8.16.1. Falun Gong supports Donald (Trump, 法轮功支持特朗普)

Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的) believes without non-circumstantial evidence that the huge majority of Falun Gong believers strongly supports Trump.

Ciro feels that Falun Gong’s support of Trump is a fundamental religious issue to the group.

Falun Gong seems to believe that Trump is perfect and that everything that he says is true and good. He is essentially a supernatural force of good, as well shown at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaWjFeo0BgU You Are Not Alone by Tony Chen Music (陳東音樂, 2020) is a timeless classic devotional Trump support song. by Tony who is a Falun Gong believer. This is consistent with Ciro’s understanding of FLG’s view of the world, where Falun Gong believes that the CCP is literally a manifestation of real devils (法轮功认为中共是真正恶魔的化身) ("I see the true light - You are the Chosen One to fight the Red Demon") and therefore Trump is the manifestation of a supernatural force oof Good. The Chinese version is even more open about Trump’s God-like status: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZrVbX8jV_o, and contains perls such as (official translation) "I see hope - you are the Chosen One to save the world" and "Trump, Trump, you are not alone! Gods and Buddhas are here with you!". The extensive use of Trump’s slogan "Make America great again" is also in line with Falun Gong’s belief that the world was Good before, but has become Evil today. The Epoch Times (明慧网, Falun Gong media) made a profile of Tony in 2018.. And his opponents, e.g. Biden and the Left, are the opposite.

Like everything else concrete, it is not clear if Li Hongzhi (李洪志, LHZ, Falun Gong prophet) has directly supported this or not.

Ciro feels without proof however that it is extremely likely that he has given very clear private directives to his top tenants to support Trump, notably to the heads of the key Falun Gong media (法轮功媒体) organizations.

And then this belief gets pumped endlessly through the Falun Gong media, which completely unilaterally praises and supports Trump and criticizes his opponents, so that all believers understand that this is Li Hongzhi’s desire.

Edit: around 2021-05-15, this got published on Minghui (明慧网, Falun Gong media): https://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2021/5/18/大纪元新唐人媒体法会讲法-425888.html. It is not on falundafa.org yet, but is extremely likely to be uploaded later and can already be consiered canon. The title is "Fa Teachings at the The Epoch Times (明慧网, Falun Gong media)/New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD, NTDTV, 新唐人電視台, Falun Gong media) media meeting", and it contains the first, unumbiguous support of Trump done in Canon. Although such support took a long time to come out publicly in canon, which ciro-santilli condems, it was a huge positive step forward towards transparency, as it makes Falun Gong’s pre-exising but unannounced religious support for Donald trump publicly official. The key quote on Google Translate is:

Everyone knows that the former president of the United States could not be re-elected, and he was taken down by improper means. I only talk about this phenomenon. Isn’t it a manifestation of the current state of society? Everyone knows that the former president wants to talk about traditions and restore traditions. What he has to do is to change the moral quality of people and society in a better direction, and to restore society to a better social state. Is he going against the current heavenly principle? Because God’s law is not working. Is he against the trend of this society? He is going against the current, and he wants to suffocate the current. If it’s a country, maybe he can do it; what about the entire human society, it’s too difficult. So, if the entire universe is like this, can it be intercepted? Unstoppable. So, those gods who took him down and those bad gods in the old universe were as timid as they had stolen things in their hearts. They knew what he was doing was good. Do not you know? all know. Although those gods are corrupt, at least he still understands these things

which therefore clearly says Trump is a manifestation of supernatural forces of good, and also clearly says that the 2020 American election was in fact stolen by the Democrats as per Donald Trump’s accusations.

It could have been even more direct, but Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的) considers this more than direct enough. A Brazillian saying comes to mind: "Para bom entendedor, meia palavra basta" (For the Connoisseur/Expert, half a word is enough). This was notably used as part of an relentless advertisement campain when Ciro was young (certainly too young to drink) for the overly-long-named beer brand Schincariol, suggesting that you could just call is "schin", e.g. to order it at a bar. Sample ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS-UWr1RIQU. Anyways, back to Falun Gong, when it is the word of Living God himself, even a quarter-word is enough I guess.

Prior to that, the most direct public suggestion we can find that Li Hongzhi directly supported Trump was in 2020-11-08 https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/20/11/8/n12534746.htm when the The Epoch Times (明慧网, Falun Gong media) published a poem by Li Hongzhi (李洪志, LHZ, Falun Gong prophet) which Ciro believes is clearly directly supporting Trump, since it was released just after Trump was announced to have lost the presidential elections, amidst claims of electoral fraud under investigation, which Falun Gong media fully and completely supported. The official translation can be found in Canonical Falun Gong texts (法轮功的经典著作) https://en.falundafa.org/eng/articles/20201108A.html:

On the General Election

In this majestic universe, the communist devil is making trouble
Fraud and corruption are harming a great nation
All the machinations make people only more despondent
When will justice be upheld and our conscience restored?

Hongzhi Li
November 8, 2020

To be completely fair, Trump has been vocal about China’s threat way before COVID, and correctly so in Ciro’s opinion, and therefore is a much needed ally of the Falun Gong movement, and to anyone that opposes China’s threat, like Ciro does.

Furthermore, Ciro does believe that there might be a Democrat bias to media, and that certainly social media like Twitter should never ever censor any political statements as it has done for Trump.

And of course, so long as those pro-Trump campaigns respect the laws of the country, Falun Gong is free to do it and must not be interfered with. As if other major American media didn’t have political agendas: USA-based media bias.

This is exactly the same, in fact, as to how religious affiliation has a huge impact in how the average American votes: https://theconversation.com/how-strong-a-role-does-religion-play-in-us-elections-133224.

It seems that Trump’s immigration policies have turned Asian Americans towards the democrat opposition however as of 2019: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/5/13/18308137/asian-american-voters-immigration-democrats-donald-trump.

One saving point of the republicans for Asians is the opposition to university quotas instance, which many Asians feel blocks their high performing kids from top schools for less deserving students. This is suggested for example at: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/02/yang-asian-americans-affirmative-action/605917/ "Opposition to affirmative action was pulling Asians toward the GOP. Then Yang’s campaign began to gather momentum."


Question: Misleading news is everywhere in this Internet age, and it’s often hard to tell real news from fake. In the upcoming Taiwan and U.S. general elections in 2020, will fake news cloud people’s judgment?

Master: Degenerate things are common in this troubled world, and it’s hard to accomplish good things. That’s how things are in a troubled world. Many people didn’t expect Trump to be elected in the last U.S. election, but he was. Some people believe that things are supposed to go a certain way, but then they turn out otherwise. I have always said that divine beings are in control of human affairs, and that it is they who have the say. But if I speak too much about it or get into the specifics, it might negatively impact our saving people, so I won’t go into it.

One wonders how Falun Gong views Trump’s ideology of "grabbing them by the pussy". But sure, that was in 2005, he must have converted to Good since.

Analysis of Trumps electoral fraud claims:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaWjFeo0BgU You Are Not Alone by Tony Chen Music (陳東音樂, 2020) is a timeless classic devotional Trump support song. by Tony who is a Falun Gong believer. This is consistent with Ciro’s understanding of FLG’s view of the world, where Falun Gong believes that the CCP is literally a manifestation of real devils (法轮功认为中共是真正恶魔的化身) ("I see the true light - You are the Chosen One to fight the Red Demon") and therefore Trump is the manifestation of a supernatural force oof Good. The Chinese version is even more open about Trump’s God-like status: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZrVbX8jV_o, and contains perls such as (official translation) "I see hope - you are the Chosen One to save the world" and "Trump, Trump, you are not alone! Gods and Buddhas are here with you!". The extensive use of Trump’s slogan "Make America great again" is also in line with Falun Gong’s belief that the world was Good before, but has become Evil today. The Epoch Times (明慧网, Falun Gong media) made a profile of Tony in 2018.