18.1.10. Vicky Xu (许秀中)
Lead author of the Uyghurs for sale report.
Smear posts:
https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202104/1220777.shtml by Global Times (环球时报, CCP media) "'Bewitched' Vicky Xu who fabricates Xinjiang story stokes anti-China sentiment in Australia: observer"
https://www.163.com/dy/article/G36KA6P80551MFOX.html 一个售卖肉体和灵魂的人——澳大利亚反华女妖许秀中 (A person who sells body and soul - Australian anti-Chinese female demon Vicky Xu) with a Photoshopped image entitled in Chinglish: "A tipster of Vicky Xu’s private life - maintain sexual relationships with over 10 men at the same time". The real question in most men’s mind is: "where do I sign up?".
Praise posts:
Lead author of the Uyghurs for sale report.
Smear posts:
https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202104/1220777.shtml by Global Times (环球时报, CCP media) "'Bewitched' Vicky Xu who fabricates Xinjiang story stokes anti-China sentiment in Australia: observer"
https://www.163.com/dy/article/G36KA6P80551MFOX.html 一个售卖肉体和灵魂的人——澳大利亚反华女妖许秀中 (A person who sells body and soul - Australian anti-Chinese female demon Vicky Xu) with a Photoshopped image entitled in Chinglish: "A tipster of Vicky Xu’s private life - maintain sexual relationships with over 10 men at the same time". The real question in most men’s mind is: "where do I sign up?".
Praise posts: