49. Thailand (泰国)
It is a crime to criticize the royal family (Lèse majesté):
As Terry Gilliam brilliantly says in the The secret Life of Brian (2007) https://youtu.be/hdU_6jUQI9s?t=492:
I was always convinced that there is no where you should’t go. There are no sacred cows. And if there are, if they are really sacred, let’s see how much we puncture them and see if they still float.
Or in other words:
Vajiralongkorn, you little piece of shit, grow some balls and learn how to take an insult. A man who cannot take an insult is not a man, but a big pussy. _
Everyone who has political power must know how to be laughed at criticized, otherwise dicatorship follows:
2020-08-24 https://techcrunch.com/2020/08/24/after-restricting-a-group-critical-of-thailands-monarchy-facebook-says-it-will-take-legal-action-against-the-government/ "After restricting a group critical of Thailand’s monarchy, Facebook says it will take legal action against the government"
2017-05-17 https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3578661/from-fake-tattoos-and-crop-tops-to-making-a-poodle-air-force-chief-the-king-of-thailands-maddest-moments-revealed/ "As Thai monarch Maha Vajiralongkorn attempts to sue Facebook over photos posted online, we look at the wacky royal’s bizarre life" TODO real? Erm, video by 60-minutes Australia: https://youtu.be/HfF3CGVwrs4?t=84
Topless wife birthday celebration video: https://youtu.be/HfF3CGVwrs4?t=311
Rap Against Dictatorship
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/8/20/rap-against-dictatorship-artist-arrested-in-thailand "‘Rap Against Dictatorship' artist arrested in Thailand", artist Dechathorn Bamrungmuang arrested