What happens if you wear a T-shirt with censored words in China? (如果你在中国穿一件带有审查词的 T 恤会怎样?)

Some cases where that didn’t end well for them:


  • 2000 https://en.minghui.org/emh/articles/2000/11/8/6250.html Autralian Zhang Cuiying (张翠英) went to China to protest against Falun Gong oppression and was kept 8 months in jail there. When she returned to Australia on 2000-11-04, she wore a t-shirt saying:


    translated as:

    Because of the truth I said
    Falun Dafa is righteous
    I was imprisoned for 8 months
    I went through the hardship just to attain the justice
    I am not afraid of bleeding or other sacrifice
    My righteous mind was shown in the prison
    China suppresses Falun Gong
    Which is unforgivable

Quan Ping tshirt
Figure 230. In 2016 activist Quan Ping (Kwon Pyong, 权平, BraveJohnny) was sent to jail for wearing a Xitler/習包子/大撒币 t-shirt in public and posting selfies online. This photo is in front of a Government building (TODO exact location, reports say he is from Jilin City (吉林市) in Jilin (吉林) transcription of the sign on top of building: 诚信立市 工业强市 依法治…​) New York Times coverage. He was later sentenced and served 18 months in prison because of this: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/profile/kwon-pyong on Front Line Defenders (前线卫士). Source.
Liu Shihui tshirt
Figure 231. In 2009 activist Liu Shihui (刘士辉) was arrested for wearing a t-shirt saying "One-party rule is a disaster" (一党独裁,遍地是灾) in 2009 in Guangzhou. This is a quote from a Xinhua News editorial from the 1940s. On the back was another quote by former president Liu Shaoqi (刘少奇) "The CP [Communist Party] opposes the Kuomintang’s one-party dictatorship, but the CP will not establish a one-party dictatorship". This interesting Zhihu (知乎, censored Quora clone, 审查 Quora 克隆) page has many other similar quotes BTW: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/59503784 (archive). He was later assaulted, spent 108 days in jail without a trial, and was forcefully sent back to his home town in Inner Mongolia: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/case/case-history-liu-shihui on Front Line Defenders (前线卫士). Quotes from the Hundred Flowers Campaign 百花齐放 (1956-1957) also come to mind. Source.
Grandma Wong t shirt
Figure 232. Activist Alexandra Wong (王鳳瑤), AKA Grandma Wong (王婆婆) wearing a t-shirt that says in grass script "生於亂世,有種責任" (Born in troubled times, have the courage to do your duty) circa 2018 in Hong Kong (香港). The transcription can be found here. Her scarf reads 光復香港 (Liberate Hong Kong), the first part of Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times (光復香港,時代革命), and is presumably the same that she was wearing in 2018 during the trial of activist Edward Leung (梁天琦) for which she was fined HK$1,000 for contempt of court. https://evchk.wikia.org/zh/wiki/生於亂世有種責任 mentions that the t-shirt sentence is a 2014 Hong Kong protests (Umbrella movement, 雨伞运动占领区) protest slogan. She disappeared from August 2019 to October 2020 for Picking quarrels and provoking trouble (寻衅滋事罪). Source.