17.1. Liubukou massacre (六部口惨案)

The source website of the photo below is by French journalist Ursula Gauthier, who explains how those photos were taken by one of the students of the group, who later asked her to take the photos abroad to publish them.

The students were some of the last to leave after the crackdown, and they were trying to escape through a small street that leads into Chang’an Avenue (长安街) when the tanks came at high speed near Liubukou crossroads half mile West of Tiananmen square, and not all students were able evade the tanks.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/jun/01/china.johngittings2 mentions that some bodies had to be scrapped-off the street.

Ursula was later kicked out of China in 2015 after commenting that the CCP had ulterior motives for giving their condolences to the November 2015 Paris attacks. Interesting fact: Ciro was actually less than 1km away from one of the Paris attacks on that night, at his home, and first learnt about what had happened when people started calling to see if he was fine.

The name of the driver of the tank that overran students was reportedly discovered in 2014 as Wu Yanhui (吴彦辉), who was aided by Operation Yellowbird (黄雀行动). This was based on an witness who had shouted "Remember Tank 106". The study was done by Chinese scholar Wu Renhua (吴仁华).

One of the injured survivors was Fang Zheng (方政). At https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHlXF9nTYJ4 方政:在六部口,坦克追杀袭击和平撤离的学生 he claims on an interview with Voice of america (VOA, 美国之音, USA government media) that the students were peacefully evacuating.

Tiananmen crushed dead
Figure 196. Bodies run over by tanks by the road near Liubukou crossroads (六部口) after the Tiananmen Square Protests were crushed in the morning of 1989-06-05. Source.