4.4.1. duty-machine porn attack (责任机器色情攻击)

https://github.com/duty-machine/duty-machine/tree/d6ee9ff8e504b863352f163f7e143e84161ac349 explains that the automatic submission had to be taken down because Wumao (五毛) uploaded porn which is against GitHub’s content policy.

Related idiotic attempt on China Dictatorship (中国独裁统治) project: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues/500 where user crazy3523 uploaded some of Ciro’s own existing anti-China images, and tried to pretend to be anti-CCP, and slipped a few child porn softcore in the middle hoping Ciro wouldn’t see them. Their email was <crazy3523@protonmail.com>. They even went as far as creating another apparently anti-CCP post at: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues/386 previously.

This highlights the following ideas:

  • it is impossible to have uncurated anyonymous content on GitHub

  • censorship of non-political issues can seep into censorship of political issues